Welcome to the ENI Energy

The National Energy and Climate Change Information Ecosystem offers an open access space for data analysis and information visualization, generated within the framework of the National Strategic Program (Pronaces) on Energy and Climate Change.

This public information resource is aimed at all those interested in this topic; it is an especially useful platform for researchers, academics, students, as well as for decision makers.

The National Energy and Climate Change Information Ecosystem is organized into chapters. These, in turn, are associated with communities, subcommunities and collections that contain information, documents and various materials related to and/or derived from scientific research.


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Showing results 1 to 1 of 1

Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
Apr-2024Retos y problemas de la energía nuclear como una alternativa para MéxicoDocumentación técnicaCARLOS ARMANDO TORNEL CURZIO; LUCA FERRARI; OMAR RAUL MASERA CERUTTI25-Nov-2024